A Ri-disc-ulously Fun Sunday!
Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23
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Living Education hosted the second annual Disc Golf Tournament, featuring fantastic food and lots of fun.
This year, Church families and young adults came out bright and early on a sunny Sunday morning. The Living Education students led the disc golf tournament by organizing teams, helping people to navigate the course, and tallying the final scores. After the tournament, everyone enjoyed a lunch of potato salad, coleslaw, freshly grilled corn on the cob, and chicken legs and thighs.
Disc Golf: A Team Sport?
The disc golf tournament was a team-based event, and the teams were selected in an interesting way. Two Living Education students led each team, making six teams altogether, and then the participants chose which students’ team to join. Thus, the students were encouraged to come up with a fun team name and theme to draw as many people as possible.

As the game progressed, students tallied their score by recording the number of throws it took each person to get the disc into the basket. Like in regular golf, a low score is a good score. To help their team members navigate the sometimes-confusing disc-golf trail, the students arrived an hour early and walked through the trails. Also, rather than use all 18 holes, the tournament was limited to the first six holes. Each team would start on a hole, and then rotate around, allowing for continuous play.

All the teams were done after about two hours, and the Director—Mr. Jonathan McNair—announced the winners. The first award was actually a surprise—the award for the team that hit the most trees. That award was won by team 2—Ellie and Kezia’s team—who managed to hit a tree-mendous 60 trees (for context, my team hit 15 trees total). The team with the lowest average score was team 6—Nathan’s team—which scored 28. Par for the six holes was 20, so this team was only eight points over (for context, my team scored 31, and the highest scored 45). Team 6 received their spectacular award of free Living Education pens for all and a single Living Education mug—to be divided amongst the winners, of course.

An Impeckable Lunch
After announcing the awards, Mr. McNair unveiled the food. During the tournament, he had been was grilling on his charcoal smoker, preparing some egg-straordinary chicken and a-maizing corn on the cob. All of the guests and students flocked through the food line and corn-sumed the provisions. Then, the activity wrapped up, kindly giving the students a free afternoon to do homework. The second annual disc golf tournament was a fantastic event, a total hole-in-one! We look forward to hosting the third annual disc golf tournament next year.

Just before this, the Living Education students adventured the trails for an exciting mountain biking activity. Read about that here: The Wheel Deal.

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.