Living Ed - Charlotte 2024-2025
Our nine-month Bible foundations program in Charlotte, NC designed for young adults (18-30 yrs).
For more info check out the Program Details 2024-2025.
designed for young adults determined to build a strong foundation for a Godly life.
Our nine-month Bible foundations program in Charlotte, NC designed for young adults (18-30 yrs).
For more info check out the Program Details 2024-2025.
Not a citizen of the United States but would like to attend LivingEd-Charlotte? This program is for you!
For more info view Program Details for International Applicants.
This is the continuation of our foundations program for students interested in further developing understanding of God’s way and skills in leadership.
For more info check out the Second Year Program Details 2024-2025.
Principles of Christian Living delves into the practical application of God’s Word to daily life. How can we build golden character, reflecting the mind of God in our each and every thought and action? What are the keys to Godly success? How can we build loving relationships with a mate, raise Godly children, and be the neighbor that loves as Christ? This course addresses the answers to these questions and more. Planning our life, setting goals, understanding the practical management of our finances and possessions; these are topics that are addressed in this two semester class.
What does the Bible say? In our society today, fewer and fewer people have any understanding of what the Bible is, where it came from and what it tells us.
This course is an introduction to the Bible as a whole, complete unit. It covers each and every book of the Bible over the course of the program year, giving a big-picture view. For each book, students learn about the author, the background, the major theme or themes, and a brief look at the content of the book. What is the geography of the cities and towns mentioned? What unique cultural conditions influenced the people that enter the account? Why did God inspire the author to emphasize the points that he did?
What are the doctrines of the true Church of God that Jesus Christ established? Can we know them? Do they matter? Why?
This introduction to the basic doctrines established by Jesus Christ through His Word establishes the building blocks of the knowledge and understanding for a true Christian. Students focus on twelve basic areas of study, including “Who and What is God”, “The Destiny of Man”, “The Authority of the Bible”, and more.
How important is what we say and how we say it?
From a Biblical perspective, the way we use the gift of language is extremely important. Our words, and how we deliver them speak volumes about us and what is in our heart. Well used, our communication can explain, encourage and inspire people around us. This class builds on Biblical values and give practical advice and experience in speaking to others, both formally and informally. It also gives opportunity to learn how to properly coach and encourage classmates in their communication skills. This two-semester class provides an important practical addition to the development of a future leader in the Work of God.
What is Christian finance?
The topic of Christian Finance is woven throughout the Bible and is part of the true foundation for personal, family and business success. This course will survey and introduce sound financial principles that can be applied in all stages of life from student to retirement. The successful student will learn how people spend, save, protect and invest their financial resources from a biblical and practical point of view.
In Writing Workshop, we discuss how to format and structure academic essays, how to present written ideas clearly and effectively, and how to lessen the anxiety of writing. The goal of this workshop is to strengthen our understanding of sentence structure, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, essay formatting, and MLA style. If, at the end of this two-semester course, we are all writing with more confidence and capability than we were when the course started, our goals have been met.
What is a Godly approach to music? What can we learn about this wonderful gift that God has given us – which has become so twisted and perverted in our confused world?
Part of a balanced education is learning to understand and appreciate music. This two-semester course adds another dimension to the learning experience for Living Education-Charlotte students, reviewing principles that we can apply to appreciate and enjoy music. Over the course of the class, students are provided with a practical standard for their personal music choices, with a solid Biblical foundation.
Jonathan McNair attended Ambassador College in Pasadena from 1982 to 1987. Since then, he has fulfilled a variety of roles in service to the Work of God, including Project Director for Ambassador Foundation in Thailand and Director of Living Youth Programs for the Living Church of God. In his thirty years of ministry, He pastored congregations in diverse locations around the world. He now oversees the Living Education Program, and also acts as an instructor.
Mr. Frank was born and raised in New Jersey, where he majored in history and government for a year in college. Afterward, he attended the three campuses of Ambassador College. Upon graduation with a Bachelor of Arts in Theology, he trained for the ministry in Canada, pastoring Canadian congregations for twenty-six years before returning to the United States. Presently, he serves on the Living Education campus as instructor and minister.
Dexter Wakefield has a bachelor’s degree from Georgia Institute of Technology School of Architecture (BSBC) and a masters from Columbia University Graduate School of Business (MBA Finance). He previously served as Area Pastor to congregations in southern Florida. He has been Director of Business Operations at Living Church of God Headquarters since 2011.
Born in Parkersburg, WV, Jerry Ruddlesden has a Bachelors in Business Administration, with a major in Accounting, from Marshall University. He began working for the Worldwide Church of God after graduation from Ambassador College as a senior Accountant in the Caribbean office, and now serves as the Financial Controller for the Living Church of God and faculty member for Living Education. He loves to garden, fish and explore new places outdoors.
A former Ambassador College and Living University student, Mr. Tlumak served as the Associate Pastor for the New York City congregation of the Living Church of God before moving to the Charlotte area in early 2021. Recently retired as a training administrator from the New York City Housing Authority, Mr. Tlumak brings to Living Education over 30 years of experience in adult learning and development.
Rebekah Ross received her Bachelor of Arts in Music Education in 2017 from Clarke University in Dubuque, IA and also earned her Associates of Theology, a certificate in New Testament Studies, and Diploma in Biblical Studies from Living University. Aside from her work at Living Education, Rebekah plays several instruments and teaches private lessons. She also loves the outdoors and some of her favorite hobbies include backpacking, snow skiing, drawing, reading, and writing.
Thomas White graduated from Living Education–Charlotte in 2019. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in English and works in the Editorial Department of the Living Church of God. According to his wife, his writing is very good, and his handwriting is very, very bad.
In addition to our daily classroom instruction in core subjects, students attend weekly forums where they hear guest lecturers speak on a variety of topics. Our guest speakers include leaders from headquarters as well as visiting field ministers and other professionals from the United States and abroad.
Student housing is provided just a few miles from the headquarters facility, with one residence for the men and another nearby residence for women. Our accommodations are located in a safe, quiet suburban neighborhood, and the homes provide a very comfortable living experience for our students.
Sheryl Manor, named for the late Sheryl Meredith, wife of Roderick C. Meredith former Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God, is a spacious and beautiful home dedicated to house female students of Living Education – Charlotte.
Originally dedicated in 2016 as men’s housing for Living University students, Redstone Hall now serves as a residence for male students of Living Education – Charlotte. This lovely, fully-furnished red brick home includes a full kitchen, game room, covered porch, and large yard with fire pit.
These extra-curricular activities are designed to for students to increase fellowship and camaraderie as well as provide opportunities to learn more about local points of interest, experience various cultural events, and enjoy outdoor recreation.
All students participate in a weekly Friday evening Sabbath dinner with students, ministerial, and congregational guests. This dinner is prepared and hosted by different students each week. Students are given a budget and basic guidelines from which to operate. Student hosts are responsible to choose themes, decorate, and plan menu for the evening.
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2301 Crown Centre Drive, Charlotte, NC 28227
Program questions? [email protected]
Submitting a transcript? Application questions? [email protected]