Roles and Goals

Mr. Rod McNair presented to us with an informative forum on the importance of schedules and goals.  After our first week of classes has come and gone, we were able to take this information in and absorb it more appreciatively thanks to our currently full schedules.  

What are your goals?

To start the discussion, Mr. McNair made it a point to interact with us by asking, and honestly wanting, the feedback we had to offer to questions he posed.  He cultivated a closer connection with us by caring for and feeding the goals that we hold for ourselves to achieve throughout the program.  He shared some of his own goals and reminded us that they should not be the same as the world’s.  A key example of this is being a homemaker.  With the feminist movement in the world today, being a homemaker, rearing children, and caring for the home is frowned upon, yet Scripture encourages the opposite.  (Titus 2:4-5)  “They admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.”

Make goals a reality

Everyone has goals, yet what sets the successful apart from those that never achieve their goals is scheduling.  Mr. McNair shared with us a schedule that he planned out for his life when he was a student at Ambassador College.  Seeing this was enlightening for us because we could see the way it worked out after being written in ink.  We are all thankful for the reminder he gave us, “Even if things seem overwhelming, you must make time for God!”  God should be first and foremost in our goals and lives.

Focus on the short-term

While we are excited about what the future can hold for us, Mr. McNair made the point that we must put action into the short-term, day-to-day workings, to achieve our further-off desires.  He provided us with one basic key to staying on track in the short term.  He said that if we only take one thing away from what he shared it was, “Take the time to write out a schedule with goals for the upcoming week.”  It may take a little time to become accustomed to this practice, but having the dedication will result in a more organized and productive week in which we can grow.  

It’s about growth!

Mr. McNair said, “It is not about perfection, it’s about growth!”  He made the point that we can write out our goals and create a schedule to achieve them, yet some situations may arise that affect our outcome. This is okay. To assist in making this point, Mr. McNair finished by playing a video on the Ernest Shackleton expedition from 1914. The goal of this expedition was to be the first to cross the continent of Antarctica, yet due to unforeseen circumstances, they narrowly made it back to civilization after two years of being shipwrecked. He said that looking at this story through the lens of goals, it was a massive failure because they didn’t attain their goal, and nearly died;  However, this is an incredible story of leadership as Shackleton brought all his men back safely. While we work to achieve the end goal, unseen events can drift us off course to a different outcome.  With our working to achieve goals, and God at the helm, nothing can drift us away from God’s plan for us.

We are excited to make our own goals and schedules to share with future generations.  As Mr. McNair said, “It’s not rocket science…”  

End Of Semester Hustle

Author: Hyabiel Daniel  | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2023-24

There are just a handful of weeks left before our Living Education students wrap up the first semester. They are all fully immersed in the final stretch of the semester. Group study sessions and coffee have become steadfast companions to one another. Across various disciplines, individuals are diligently working through textbooks and studying slides. The collective goal is clear: master the material before the final exams. Amidst the hustle, determination is evident as these students navigate toward their academic success. The finish line is approaching, and a shared commitment to putting in the hard work defines their journey toward the semester’s end.

Hyabiel Daniel is a first-year Living Education Student. She is from London, United Kingdom, and typically attends the Seven Oaks Congregation. She enjoys studying social sciences and also loves spending time reading books, baking, and spending time with loved ones.

Five Keys to Interpersonal Communication

Author: Nathan Kroon | Student Leader, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated Reading Time: 5 min.

In 1976, Ambassador College was trying to gain accreditation in order to act as a fully-fledged liberal arts college.

Many people who had taught there were required to gain a masters’ degree if they were to continue teaching, including Mr. Richard Ames. In this forum, he spoke to us on interpersonal communication, the subject of one of the college courses he had taken in getting this degree, and explained why it is important that we improve how we communicate with others.

Types of Communication

Before exploring the different ways to improve our communication with others, Mr. Ames first spoke briefly on the other types of communication we most often use: intrapersonal and group. While interpersonal communication is how we talk to other people, intrapersonal communication is how we communicate with ourselves. “Basic to all forms of communication is a consciousness of self,” said Mr. Ames. In other words, you have to know how you think before you go sharing your thoughts with others. He recommended we watch his sermon “Practice Godly Meditation” for help in finding ways to teach ourselves how to think better. It is our duty to bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Christ was able to instantly reject the external thoughts of Satan when He was tempted in the wilderness. What can you take away from your own intrapersonal communication?

Five Keys to Improve Interpersonal Communication

  1. Practice Biblical Principles of Communication

The Bible holds many lessons in how we are to communicate with each other. Mr. Ames listed some of these:

  • Always speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).
  • Put away lying and corrupt words (Ephesians 4:25).
  • Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. You can be judged for your words—even idle ones (Matthew 12:34-35).

Mr. Ames stated that if you sin with your words, God will forgive you if you repent of them. It’s important that we pray for godly wisdom so that He can help to guide our words.

  1. Analyze Your Transactions

Mr. Ames read from the book Games People Play, by Eric Berne, to explain the types of transactions people can have during conversation. The author explains that there are three ego states a person can take in a conversation: Parent, Adult, and Child. The Parent state is instructional and controlling, the Adult state is factual and informative, and the Child state is expressive of feelings. While Mr. Ames said that while it may not be the greatest way to explain how it works, the theory can help us to see what kind of transactions in conversation are harmonious with each other. The example he gave was if one person asks another, “What time is it?”, which would be asking from an Adult state, and the other person replies “What are you asking me for?!”, from the Child state. Such a transaction would not be considered harmonious. It may be beneficial to analyze what state of mind your transactions with other people are coming from.

  1. Practice Positive Reinforcement

It is important to consider the power of positive reinforcement in conversation. Upon Christ’s baptism, God said that He was well pleased with His Son. Although Christ was already perfect, God still applied positive reinforcement to Him. We as human beings are imperfect, but it is our duty to positively reinforce our brothers and sisters in Christ. If people’s actions are met with criticism, they will tend to not repeat them. Positive reinforcement has the opposite effect, and psychologically benefits a person’s mind. Using courtesy (“thank you,” “you’re welcome,” etc.) can also help us to encourage each other.

  1. Share Your Life

The practice of self-disclosure, sharing personal information with others, will also help us in interpersonal communication. Quoting from his old textbook for his class on interpersonal communication, Mr. Ames said, “For someone to be important to you, you must also know something about him or her that matters to you and makes a great difference to you. If you don’t know much about the person, it is not likely that your acquaintance will amount to much of a relationship.” Mr. Ames said that his first introduction to his future wife involved finding many things that they both had in common. The more they shared, the more comfortable they felt sharing personal things with each other. Be willing to share your life with others! There may be widows in your congregation who are looking for an opportunity to be able to share their lives with others, as well. Don’t deprive them of the opportunity to do so.

  1. Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

The Bible tells us that it is important to look out for the interests of others. Philippians 2:3 says, “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” It’s a good thing to serve your neighbor and their needs. Be perceptive to what these needs may be!

If you want to improve your own interpersonal communication skills, review these five keys and apply them to your life!

Nathan Kroon is a Student Leader at Living Education. He originally hails from Washington State and is a 4th generation Christian. Currently, he works at Headquarters as a Video Editor and is the Lead Landscaper at the LivingEd dorms. His hobbies include playing guitar, listening to music, drawing, and watching movies.

Bible Crossword #1

Church Administration—the Story in Stats!

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 4 min.

In a recent forum, the students learned about the impact of the Church Administration Department from a Tomorrow’s World presenter, Mr. Rod McNair. 

Mr. McNair laid out the purpose of the Church Administration Department: serve, edify, and support the worldwide ministry. This responsibility is outlined in many scriptures, and Mr. McNair pointed to John 21:15-17. Here, Christ tells Peter three times to care for the flock. There are two words used; one translated “feed” and one meaning “tend,” which involves leading, ruling, and governing the flock. The Church Administration Department fulfils both responsibilities, and Mr. McNair told us how with a compelling story—a story based on statistics. 

The Work and Tomorrow’s World Presentations

0 – the number of “coworkers” Noah had after a 100 years of warning. “Now that,” Mr. McNair said, “would be discouraging.” We are getting responses, and the world is not quite as evil as it was then.

33,880 attendees of Tomorrow’s World Presentations from 2006 – 2023. This is not a small number—especially compared to the responses Noah’s ministry received.

1.8 – percentage of people who respond to TWP invitations. This is an average from 2006 to 2023. 

3.9 – percentage of people who respond to TWP invitations in countries outside of the US. The work is growing in other countries; people there are more interested than those in the US.

1535 – Tomorrow’s World Presentations since 2006. Mr. McNair explained that they studied the results of these presentations and found that, regardless of how many guests attended, about the same number of guests began attending Services per presentation. It makes sense to have more presentations in more areas with a smaller guest size. 

The Ministry 

415 – congregations in 60 different countries. 

2,600 – youth in the church (0 – 17 years old). That’s a lot. “We,” Mr. McNair explained, “are not just an older church!”

6,527 – baptisms since January 1999 (LCG foundation). The work is not done yet. It did not end with Mr. Armstrong, nor is it up to us to decide when it is over. 

5,740 & 6,530 – members/prospective members in the United States versus outside the United States. The international work is outgrowing the work in America. Nonetheless, Mr. McNair explained that America has been a considerable part of the overall Work.

99 – brethren with no congregation near them. These brethren live in 34 different countries, and in some cases, are the only Church members in their nations. 

60,000 – Personal Correspondence Department responses from 2004 to 2022. The PCD has helped feed the flock by giving answers and guidance to countless people through the years. 

500 – sermons transcribed for deaf members and translators. Mr. McNair explained the Church’s transcribing team, many members of which are volunteers, that works to create written copies of sermons for those who cannot hear or need to translate sermons into a different language for brethren.

15 – number of languages in which our material is available. Brethren around the world are able to receive spiritual nourishment from the Church due to the efforts and zeal of members who help with translation. 

Giving Meat in Due Season

Mr. McNair concluded the story of stats by referring to a passage in the gospel of Matthew:

“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing.”

Matthew 24:45-46

These scriptures reveal a blessing, as well as a warning, for God’s Church in the end times. The Church must give food in due time to God’s elect. It must fulfil Christ’s admonition to feed and tend the flock. If that servant does not, God will reject him from the Kingdom of God and the family of God, and “there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 24:51). Mr. McNair concluded by affirming that the Church Administration Department will continue to give food in due season to God’s elect, as it has for years.  

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.

Paths of Success

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 5 min.

The Living Educations students received a forum presentation from Dr. John Cole discussing the paths of success. 

To begin, Dr. Cole admonished the students to consider the path they take, researching jobs and opportunities qualitatively and quantitatively. We must avoid applying for a position in just any company or embarking on the first endeavor that crosses our path. Instead, we should take the time to investigate. If we are considering applying to a company, Dr. Cole admonished the students to spend some time on its website, learn its mission statement, observe the competition, and find the causes it supports, like its diversity and sustainability policies. He introduced an effective qualitative method for evaluating jobs, opportunities, or even yourself!

SWOT Analysis

Dr. Cole elaborated on a method of analysis that involves listing strengths and weaknesses, followed by opportunities and threats. The strengths and weaknesses are internal attributes. Dr. Cole gave the example of analyzing a company. First, we consider what the company does well: Does it have a strong brand name or proprietary technology that gives it an advantage over its competitors? Then, we investigate weaknesses, finding out what causes problems and bottlenecks or ways the competitors are stronger than the company in question. After this, Dr. Cole explained the external considerations; we look for opportunities that may benefit the company. Are trade tariffs going to be lowered, improving profits? We also pinpoint threats. What are major events that could occur that would damage the company’s sales or assets? Dr. Cole explained that this method is widely used, even at the highest level of management. This research is invaluable for a job interview. Having a detailed understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of a company will absolutely impress its hiring manager. 

Tips for Success 

Dr. Cole encouraged the students to market their skills well. We can change our mindset from “I get to meet this person” to “This person gets to meet me.” It is important to remember our value! We can present our life and experience as a narrative, engaging the listener and compelling them. 

Another path for success, as Dr. Cole explained, is to build your network. It is immensely valuable to create a list of professional contacts that we accumulate over the years. This will make it easy to stay in steady communication over time. For expanding your network, he recommended getting introductions from existing contacts. It is also helpful to use sites like LinkedIn, join forums, and even make a website showcasing samples of our work. 

Be prepared for ethical challenges. Dr. Cole reminded the students that most people do not prioritize morality; out in the workforce we will see unethical decisions, and we may even be pressured to perform some ourselves. We must be prepared to counter such influences.

He also said to consider the details of a company or agency if we are considering working for them. Fortune 500 companies will open doors for the future. A publicly traded company is going to be different from a private company. Working for a state agency will differ from having a federal position. Also, a prospective company may be owned by a parent corporation, which means it could be sold. These are areas he gave to consider when looking at a job, but this analysis can be useful when considering starting a business or when planning a different endeavor. 

Dr. Cole told us that there are three topics to avoid in a professional environment: sex, religion, and politics. People may try to pull us into a conversation on one of these, but it is a bad idea. He also said that people will even try to start arguments with us; it is prudentto keep our guard up on these topics. 

He addressed choosing the trade or academic path. Either is fine, but Dr. Cole said to always treat everyone with respect. We cannot assume people from either path are stupid. How they make the world a better place is the only thing that matters.

Dress for success. Dr. Cole told the students that this principle is as true now as it has ever been. If we interview for a more casual type of job, we can still dress up—just make it clear that we are doing it out of respect for the interviewer and company, and not only to make ourselves look good. 

Dr. Cole gave another key piece of advice: always send thank-you notes after interviews or other meetings. This is a crucial step many people miss.

For his last tip, Dr. Cole mentioned the value of apprenticeships and internships. These are great opportunities to test a field and learn from experienced professionals. Even outside of formal positions, the attitude of looking to test out a field and get experience from professionals can help many types of endeavors to succeed. 

Envision Your Success

Dr. Cole told the students to envision their success. This involves developing a clear goal, identifying all the prerequisites needed, and making a plan to develop them. It is critical to train in the skills we need. Our ultimate goal is the Kingdom of God, and we must apply even more energy and strategy into pursuing this goal. Concluding, Dr. Cole admonished the students to learn these strategies and apply these tips on their path to success. 

Mr. Tyler Wayne gave a forum recently on analyzing risks and planning small business projects. This forum is available here: Take a Risk and Do Something.

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.

Come Fly with Me (JAARS Tour)

Author: Kaleb Johnson | Student, Living Education – Charlotte, 2022-23

Estimated reading time: 4 min.

Recently, the Living Education students and faculty toured the JAARS center and the Alphabet Museum in Waxhaw, North Carolina. 

The Jungle Aviation and Radio Services organization was founded in 1948 to support Bible translation efforts in underdeveloped and difficult-to-reach parts of the world. The organization provides air, water, and land transportation support for translators as well as technology support, providing laptops, software, and energy sources (like batteries and solar panels). In 1961, the Belk family (yes, that Belk) gave JAARS 572 acres in Waxhaw, on which the organization established a training and support center. Today, this center has 68 buildings, one public-use runway, three grass runways, and over 500 volunteers and employees. 

Since JAARS is connected with expert translators, the JAARS campus features an award-winning Alphabet Museum, which covers the development and diversity of languages all around the world in a thorough and easy-to-understand way. 

The JAARS Campus Tour

Our tour began with a video explaining the essentials of JAARS—I put this information in the introduction—along with stories from our tour guide, who herself worked as a translator for 30 years in the Philippines and was supported by JAARS. 

We then walked to a building with boats and motorcycles inside. Our guide explained how JAARS provides translators and missionaries with motorcycle-driving courses—critical for many developing countries where cars are rare—and teaches how to maintain them, too. JAARS also provides water transport to translators working in regions where the only way in and out is by boat, and they make sure to keep it safe with water-safety kits that contain life-jackets, transponders, and other emergency equipment. 

We walked from the boat building to the hangar. Since its founding, our tour guide explained, JAARS has worked with airplanes. Air travel is the best way to get people and supplies into many hard-to-reach places, like the mountains and jungle hills in New Guinea—Yet this is not your typical flying. These locations often don’t have paved runways or mechanics to service your airplane. As a result, the JAARS center trains pilots to land on short grass strips and how to maintain their own planes. In addition to training, this hangar has a machine shop that can make custom parts for repairs or special missions. 

The Alphabet Museum 

Changing pace a bit, we went over to the Alphabet Museum for another guided tour. The building seems small, but it is filled with incredible information. Our tour went through the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and the Mesopotamian cuneiform, the assumed ancestors of all western alphabets.Then we moved into the Greek, Latin, and Hebrew alphabets, learning a multitude of facts about each. For example, some Greek texts are written in a form called boustrophedon. One would read from left to right, then the line below it would be written in right to left, and it would continue like this with each alternating line switching direction. I am glad that method of writing never got popular. 

The Museum delved into the Cyrillic Alphabet (Привет), and explored complicated languages like Chinese and Japanese, which are unique because they are completely unconnected to phonetic sounds! Our tour also explored the Korean language, which was meticulously developed and is considered easy to learn and “modern.” 

The Museum also has exhibits on the fascinating development of alphabets for Native American tribes. Some alphabets were created by outsiders for tribes to be able to write, and others were developed by Native Americans themselves, such as the Cherokee syllabary invented by Sequoyah.

Overall, the tour was fascinating. We learned that even today, there are languages with no written alphabet! People are working to develop alphabets so the Bible can be translated into every native tongue. 


The Living Education students left the JAARS campus with a lot, and not all of it came from the gift shop. We got to see the inner-workings of a great operation and see how the Bible is being made available to people around the whole world! 

Not too long ago, the Living Education students went on an exciting snow trip! Read about it here: Student Life: Snow Weekend: Peaceful and Action-Packed.

Kaleb Johnson is a student in the Living Education-Charlotte Program. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in the spring of 2022. In addition, Kaleb enjoys writing, video-making, trying new activities (anything and everything), playing chess, and debating (it’s not arguing!) with people. He currently works in the Living Education department producing written content & videos and helping with a variety of other projects.

Brother to Brother: Anyway

What Is Tomorrow’s World?