Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: Lesson 37 “Solomon’s Legacy”

Featured Passage: 1 Kings 8-11

Solomon started his reign as king with fear and reverence for God. God blessed him, and Solomon prospered. His wisdom and accomplishments became famous. Sadly, human beings often forget about God when life goes well. Would Solomon fall into that trap? God warned Israel not to multiply wives, horses (for battle), and riches (Deuteronomy 8:11-18). As a powerful king, Solomon had the opportunity to do all these things. What would Solomon’s legacy be? Would he continue to follow God just like his father King David had done…or would he turn his back on God?


Richard Gunther ( |
  • Solomon had the opportunity to build and dedicate the temple.What kind of attitude does Solomon show toward God in his prayer for the dedication of the temple? How did God respond to his prayer?
  • God told the Israelites not to marry foreigners. Why did God give this command? (Deuteronomy 7:1-4)
  • Solomon ignored God’s command, and married hundreds of women from a variety of different countries. Why did Solomon do this? What were the results?
  • After Solomon died, God allowed the kingdom of Israel to fracture into two parts, just as it had been before the time of David. What were these two parts called and why did God allow this to happen?
  • What important lessons can we learn from Solomon’s life? 

Memory Challenge: 

1 Kings 8:61

Let your heart, therefore, be loyal to the LORD our God, to walk in His statutes and keep His commandments, as at this day.

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: Lesson 37 “God Gives Israel the Victory”

Featured Passage: Exodus 11-14

Even though Egypt was nearly destroyed, Pharaoh would not let Israel go. It would take one final dramatic blow to bring Egypt to its knees. This plague would strike so deeply into the heart of every Egyptian that they would demand that the Israelites leave. Every person, from servant to king, would suffer loss. Only the Israelites would be spared – if they followed God’s special instructions. If they followed these instructions to the letter, they would remain unharmed. The Egyptians, on the other hand, would suffer greatly.  


Richard Gunther ( |
  • What was the last plague that God sent on Egypt? 
  • God gave Moses instructions for the Israelites to follow in order to escape the plague. What were the Israelites commanded to do? 
  • The night that God sent the plague is called the Passover because He passed over every household that followed His special instructions. Why do we still keep Passover today? How is it similar or different to the way the Israelites kept it in Egypt?
  • What other miracles besides the plagues did God use to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?

Memory Challenge:

Exodus 14:13-14

And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: Lesson 37 “Joshua’s Leadership in the Promised Land”

Featured Passage: Joshua 2-6

After Moses’ death, God selected Joshua to lead the children of Israel into their new homeland. But it would not be easy! The Canaanites lived there, and would not leave willingly, even though God had promised this land to the Israelites hundreds of years earlier. Joshua knew that God would fight for Israel, if necessary, to fulfill His promise. In Egypt God brought Pharaoh to his knees with plagues, forcing Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go. What miracles would God perform to help His people this time? How would He bring the Israelites into a land flowing with milk and honey? How would God help Israel now? 


Sweet Publishing |
  • Israel fought many battles to go into the promised land, but who was the one who made sure they won against their enemies?
  • How did Joshua show loyalty to God? 
  • What were some of the miracles that God performed for the Israelites as they came into the land of Canaan?
  • Joshua set a good example as Israel’s leader. What are some things we can do to set a good example for others?

Memory Challenge: 

Joshua 6:27 

So the LORD was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout all the country.

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: Lesson 36 “Solomon’s Prosperous Reign”

Featured Passage: 1 Kings 4 – 7 

During the reign of Solomon the kingdom of Israel had peace, productivity, and prosperity during the reign of Solomon. It was said that gold was so abundant, silver was considered practically worthless. Solomon’s friends respected him and his enemies feared him. God had given Solomon the responsibility to build the temple, a task which Solomon took very seriously. It became clear that God was blessing him and the nation of Israel. Solomon’s fame began to spread far and wide, and many important people including kings and queens came to see for themselves. They could hardly believe what their eyes had seen. The nation of Israel underKing Solomon came to surpass all the kingdoms of the earth in wisdom and riches. Yet, who was really responsible for the prosperity and blessings that the kingdom of Israel enjoyed? 


Richard Gunther ( |
  • Marriage was often used to establish peace between countries. King Solomon married the daughter of the king of Egypt which achieved this purpose. 
  • Israel had trade agreements with the surrounding nations. Why do you think this would be helpful in having a peaceful kingdom? Though these types of agreements can be helpful, who do we look to as the true source of peace? . 
  • Solomon’s wealth and wisdom attracted many people; one of the more famous was the Queen of Sheba. What was her assessment of the facts when she visited Solomon?
  • The temple that Solomon built was magnificent! His father David had prepared much of the materials for its construction including gold, silver, precious stones, marble, and wood (1 Chronicles 29:1–5). It took seven years to build, but when it was finished it was very beautiful. What do you think it would have been like to visit Jerusalem after the temple has just been completed? 
  • Solomon worked hard, and God blessed his efforts (Ecclesiastes 2:4–9). God often blesses us by blessing the efforts we put forth. Hard work is a principle that applies to us (Proverbs 10:4).

Memory Challenge: 

1 Kings 4:29

And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore.

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: Lesson 36 “God Sends the Plagues”

Featured Passage: Exodus 7–10

As God had commanded, Moses demanded that Pharaoh release the Israelite slaves. As you might expect, Pharaoh refused. The Egyptians had no respect for God, and to the Pharaoh, Moses’ order from God was just a ploy for the Israelites to abandon their work. Before long, however, God would strike the Egyptians with plagues that would show that believing in the Egyptian gods was utter nonsense. 


Richard Gunther ( |
  • Pharaoh had sorcerers and magicians. What does God’s Word teach us about magic, fortune tellers, etc… (Deuteronomy 18:9–11)?
  • What plagues did God send on Egypt? Why did God send these particular plagues? What effect do you think each had on everyday life in Egypt? 
  • After the plagues, Egypt had no crops, no fruit trees nor any other trees, and very few livestock. There was only destruction everywhere (Exodus 10:7). Why did God allowed this to happen?
  • Why do you think Pharaoh continued to have a hard heart? 

Memory Challenge: 

Exodus 7:5 

And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out My hand on Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them.

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: Lesson 36 “Joshua Becomes Israel’s Leader”

Featured Passage: Deuteronomy 31 – Joshua 1

The children of Israel refused to go up to the Promised Land as God had told them. Because of their disobedience, God caused Israel to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. All the adults of that generation died in the wilderness except for Joshua and Caleb. After a long and productive life, it was time for Moses to die. God selected Joshua to be Israel’s next leader and gave him some very important instructions. 


Sweet Publishing |
  • Why did God allow Joshua and Caleb to survive the 40 years in the wilderness?
  • Joshua had served Moses for more than 40 years, before assuming his role as the new leader of Israel. What are you learning today that will help you be a better leader in the future?
  • God always has a work for His people to do. Joshua’s mission was to lead the children of Israel into Israel, with God’s guidance. What is our mission today? 
  • God inspired Moses to challenge Joshua to be strong and courageous. In what ways do you show strength and courage?

Memory Challenge: 

Joshua 1:9 

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: Lesson 35 “Solomon’s Special Request”

Featured Passage: 1 Kings 3

Solomon was a young man when he became king of Israel. It was a big job to oversee the whole nation, and Solomon knew he needed help. One night, God spoke to Solomon in a dream and asked him what was his heart’s desire. God told him that he could have anything he wanted! He could have asked for fame, riches, or a long life. Solomon’s response showed a maturity, humility and concern for his people. God gave him exactly what he needed to fulfill his role as king…and much more!


Richard Gunther ( |
  • Solomon offered sacrifices to God at Gibeon. Ultimately, God led him to build a temple at another location, which would serve as a worship-house for God for generations to come. Where was that temple built?
  • What would you ask for if you could have anything want? What would be the wisest thing to request of God?
  • Why do you think God was so happy with Solomon’s request?
  • Why do you think it was important to Solomon to have wisdom?
  • We have Solomon’s wisdom with us today in the Bible. He wrote Ecclesiastes, the Song of Solomon, and most of the book of Proverbs. Find a passage in the book of Proverbs that tells us how important it is to find wisdom. 

Memory Challenge: 

1 Kings 3:9 

“…give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: Lesson 35 “Moses and Aaron Meet Pharaoh”

Featured Passage: Exodus 5-6

When God told Moses to go to Egypt, Moses was very reluctant. He complained that he was not able to speak well. God didn’t accept his excuse. Instead, God informed him that Aaron, his brother, would speak on his behalf. They had a very difficult assignment – to tell Pharaoh that the great God of heaven demanded the release of the Israelites! Imagine the courage that it took to approach the Pharaoh of Egypt and give him this message! Yet Moses obeyed God and went to Egypt, preparing himself to face one of the most powerful rulers on earth, with faith in the most powerful ruler in the universe!


Richard Gunther ( |
  • How did Pharaoh react when Moses told him to let the people go? 
  • Straw was an important ingredient for making bricks. The Egyptians provided the Israelite slaves this straw to mix with mud. When Moses demanded the release of the Israelites, Pharaoh angrily responded by making a decree that the Israelites would have to gather their own straw from then on. How do you think the people felt about Pharaoh’s order? How do you think they felt toward Moses? Why do you think God allowed this to happen?
  • What lessons did Moses and the Israelites learn from the way that God dealt with Pharoah? What lessons can we learn from reading this part of the Bible? 

Memory Challenge:

Exodus 6:7

I will take you as My people, and I will be your God. Then you shall know that I am the Lord your God who brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: Lesson 35 “Joshua’s Faithfulness in the Wilderness”

Featured Passage: Numbers 13-14

Israel tested God over and over again while in the wilderness. They were constantly complaining and often refused to obey God. However, Joshua had a different attitude. When the Israelites reached the entrance to the promised land Moses selected one man from each tribe to secretly go into Canaan and spy out the land. Joshua was selected from the tribe of Ephraim. The twelve men were to report back on what they saw. Was the land truly flowing with milk and honey? Were there big walls around the cities? The Israelites waited expectantly to hear what the spies would say. 


Sweet Publishing |
  • Why was Joshua selected to be one of the spies? 
  • Did the spies find a truly rich land just as God had said? How did they describe it?
  • Why did the spies demand that Moses take them back to Egypt?
  • Of the twelve men sent to spy out the land of Canaan, only Joshua and Caleb brought back a good report. Why was their report different from the other men?
  • Joshua and Caleb were faithful to God even when everyone else wanted to give up. How did God bless them for trusting in Him? 
  •  God always blesses and rewards those who are faithful to Him. How can we show faithfulness to God?

Memory Challenge:

Numbers 14:6–7

But Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had spied out the land, tore their clothes; and they spoke to all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying: “The land we passed through to spy out is an exceedingly good land.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: Lesson 34 “Solomon Becomes King”

Featured Passage: 1 Kings 1-2

Richard Gunther ( |

Solomon was the son of King David and Bathsheba. Though David had other sons, he promised Bathsheba that her son Solomon would be the next king of Israel. But as David lay on his death-bed, a different son, Adonijah, proclaimed himself king! Imagine the uproar this caused, as the followers of Adonijah celebrated his coronation. When David was told of of Adonijah’s take-over attempt, he acted quickly, announcing his choice of Solomon as king in his place. He commanded that Solomon should rule over Israel, not Adonijah. He gave instructions for his immediate coronation. David’s decisive action set the stage for a dramatic showdown between Adonijah and Solomon. 


  • Bathsheba was the daughter of Eliam (one of David’s mighty men) and the granddaughter of Ahithophel (one of David’s advisors).
  • Adonijah was presumptuous to make himself king. What does it mean to be presumptuous, and how does God view this (Psalms 19:13, 1 Peter 2:10)? 
  • The people who supported Adonijah were directly rebelling against the instructions of King David, who had been guided by God to select Solomon as king. What can we learn from this example regarding who we support? 
  • Solomon’s name means rest or peace. Where do we read about the peace that the land of Israel enjoyed during his reign? (note that this introduces the child to the parallel account of the kings of Israel and Judah in 1 and 2 Chronicles)

Memory Challenge: 

1 Kings 1:37

As the Lord has been with my lord the king, even so may He be with Solomon, and make his throne greater than the throne of my lord King David.