Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: Lesson 34 “Moses – From the Bulrushes to the Burning Bush”

Featured Passage: Exodus 1-4

The Pharaoh who knew Joseph had died, and a new Pharaoh arose in Egypt. He enslaved the Israelites and treated them cruelly. He commanded that all baby boys be killed, but a special couple named Amram and Jochebed decided to hide their son from Pharaoh’s soldiers. They made a plan they hoped would save their baby boy. Jochebed placed her son in a basket of reeds and put him in the river and told her daughter Miriam to watch what would happen to him. What would become of the baby? God was looking for a man to lead His people out of slavery, and it seemed He had a plan in mind for this special little boy.


Richard Gunther ( |
  • At the time, Egypt was the most powerful nation on earth. Why do you think the Israelites needed God to save them?
  • Amram and Jochebed showed great courage in saving their son’s life. Why do you think they wanted to protect their son? How do you think this compares to how God feels about us?
  • Moses grew up in a palace with servants and riches. Do you think it might be hard for someone to give up that life? Moses did it because he looked to the future Kingdom of God (Hebrews 11:23-26). How does looking to the kingdom of God help us make sacrifices in our lives?
  • Moses told God he wasn’t the right person to carry out God’s instructions to go speak with Pharaoh. Why do you think he was afraid? What did God say to change his mind?

Memory Challenge: 

Exodus 3:12 

So He said, “I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: Lesson 34 “Joshua in Training”

Featured Passages: Exodus 17, 24, 32

In the tribe of Ephraim, there was a man named Nun who had a son named Hoshea, whom Moses called Joshua (Numbers 13:16). Joshua was a slave in Egypt when God sent Moses to deliver Israel from bondage. Joshua and his family left Egypt with more than two million other Israelites as Moses led them toward the Promised Land. Moses saw potential in Joshua to be a good leader, and God began to use Joshua in His service. What did the future hold for this young man? In the book of Exodus we begin to uncover the beginning of Joshua’s adventures. 


Sweet Publishing |
  • Joshua went from being a slave to commanding the armies of Israel in a very short period of time. How does having a relationship with God help us to be successful in our lives?
  • Joshua was with the elders when they ate before God. He was with Moses on the mountain for forty days when Moses received the Ten Commandments. What lessons do you think Joshua was learning from these opportunities?
  • Joshua served Moses, but he also developed a personal relationship with God. What can you do to help you be closer to God? 
  • How do you think Joshua’s service to Moses was preparing him to be a good leader?

Memory Challenge: 

Exodus 24:13

“So Moses arose with his assistant Joshua, and Moses went up to the mountain of God.”

¡Concurso de Arte de los días santos de otoño!

Directrices del concurso y reglas oficiales:

¿Alguna vez has soñado con ilustrar un libro? ¿Te gusta dibujar caricaturas? ¿Te agrada dibujar con acuarelas? ¿Tienes experiencia creando imágenes vectoriales en una tableta, o tu estilo es más es lápiz y papel?

Buscamos artistas de todas las edades, cuyo trabajo podría aparecer en nuestra edición especial de lecciones infantiles para los Días Santos de Otoño.

English? Click Here!

Français? Cliquez ici!


Cuando piensas en las Fiestas santas de otoño, ¿qué imagen se te viene a la cabeza? ¿piensas en un israelita tocando una trompeta de plata brillante frente al tabernáculo? ¿o en los carneros durante el Día de Expiación? ¿o tal vez te imaginas al león y al cordero representando el Milenio? Sea lo que sea, ¡prepárate para dar buen uso a tu creatividad!

Envíenos sus obras de arte relacionadas con la Fiesta de las Trompetas, el Día de Expiación, la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos y el Último Gran Día. Sus dibujos pueden representar símbolos, tradiciones o personajes y escenas bíblicas relacionadas con estas fiestas santas. Estamos especialmente interesados en dibujos estilo caricatura, pero también aceptaremos otros estilos de dibujo para ser utilizados en nuestra publicación de lecciones infantiles de edición especial, “Las Fiestas otoñales de Dios: Una guía de estudio para enseñar el camino de vida de Dios a sus hijos”.

¿Qué tipo de dibujos estamos buscando?

Las ilustraciones se pueden preparar en cualquier medio 2D (por ejemplo: lápiz, tinta, lápices de colores, carbón, pasteles, acuarela o pintura). También se aceptarán dibujos realizados por medios tradicionales o electrónicos. Tenga en cuenta que estamos buscando trabajos limpios y listos para usarse en nuestras diversas publicaciones.

Los dibujos deben ser de alta calidad (es decir, libre de arrugas, manchas, marcas de borrador, etc.). Si es necesario, configure su escáner, o su cámara para enviar imágenes de alta calidad.

¿Quién puede participar?

Se invita a artistas de cualquier edad a presentar sus mejores dibujos. Las ilustraciones se evaluarán en tres categorías basadas en tres grupos de edad.

Grupo 1  (12 años y menores)

Grupo 2  (13 – 20 años)

Grupo 3  (21 – 121 años)

Fechas límite del concurso

El concurso comienza el 15 de agosto de 2019

Último día para inscribirse: 20 de septiembre de 2019

Publicación de resultados: 27 de septiembre de 2019

Cómo participar

Los dibujos deben enviarse por medio del formulario de inscripción del concurso en línea, que estará disponible para los artistas a partir del 15 de agosto. Todos los artistas deben proporcionar su nombre, edad, una dirección de correo electrónico válida, congregación, algunas frases sobre sí mismos, y una breve descripción de su obra de arte junto con su presentación. Los artistas del Grupo 1 necesitarán la aprobación de sus padres para poder participar. Si no tiene acceso a Internet o un medio para crear copias electrónicas de su obra de arte, tal vez pueda pedir ayuda a alguien en su congregación local.

Formulario en línea:

Reglas oficiales

  1. Dios, Jesucristo o criaturas celestiales no pueden ser representados en los dibujos.
  2. Sólo dibujos originales – no haga plagio o use material protegido por derechos de autor.
  3. Las imágenes deben ser apropiadas para niños menores de 12 años.
  4. Educación Viviente se reserva el derecho de rechazar dibujos que contengan contenido inapropiado.
  5. Los artistas deben presentar su trabajo usando su propio nombre y bajo la categoría de edad apropiada.
  6. Los artistas pueden enviar hasta dos dibujos. 

Renuncia de responsabilidad:

Enviar obras de arte para el Concurso de Arte de Otoño transfiere el derecho al programa de Educación Viviente para usar y modificar obras de arte con fines educativos y/o promocionales. Los dibujos no se utilizarán para ningún propósito de ganancia financiera.


Los mejores dibujos de cada categoría se utilizarán en nuestras lecciones semanales para niños o en nuestra edición especial de lecciones de las Fiestas Santas de otoño. Se mostrarán en el blog “Actualizaciones” en nuestro sitio web junto con una breve biografía del artista y una descripción de la obra de arte. Los artistas recibirán crédito por cualquier obra de arte utilizada en nuestras publicaciones. Además, los ganadores de cada grupo de edad recibirán un pequeño premio de Educación Viviente.

Las ilustraciones que reciban mención honorífica se mostrarán en el blog “Actualizaciones” en nuestro sitio web junto con una breve biografía del artista y una descripción de la obra de arte.

*Si se selecciona su dibujo, recibirá una notificación por correo electrónico.

** Puede haber oportunidades especiales disponibles para que artistas destacados se unan al equipo de ilustración del Programa Bíblico para Niños de Educación Viviente que puede involucrar diferentes proyectos e iniciativas.

Para obtener más información sobre las directrices de este concurso, o para preguntas, póngase en contacto con:

Rebekah Ross  | Living Education – Children’s Bible Program Staff

[email protected]


Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: Lesson 33 “Ruth Gets Married”

Featured Passage: Ruth 3-4

 Boaz was a prominent man in the community, having great wealth and many servants. He was also a close relative of Elimelech, Naomi’s deceased husband. Ruth had found favor with Boaz, and Naomi thought to secure Ruth’s future with him. The law of redemption allowed the nearest of kin to purchase the family land and to marry the widow of the one who owned it. Naomi instructed Ruth to secretly go to Boaz one night, with this statute in mind, and express her desire to put herself into his care. She said  to Boaz, “Take your maidservant under your wing, for you are a close relative.” She was basically asking Boaz to marry her! Boaz was glad that she came to him, and said he would be willing to take care of her, only there was a problem. There was another man who was more closely related to her than Boaz. This other man would have to decide not to redeem the land and marry Ruth if Boaz was to have a chance to do so himself. Not wanting to waste any time, Boaz got up early in the morning and went to the gate of the city to see what could be done. The decision made that day would determine what would happen to Ruth and Naomi. 


Richard Gunther ( |
  • The book of Ruth is one of  two books in the Bible that has a woman’s name in the title.
  • Consider the character and honor that Boaz displayed in the book of Ruth. What were some things that he did which reflected favorably on his character? 
  • True love always shows outgoing concern for others and does no harm. When Boaz showed concern for Ruth’s reputation and went to great lengths to protect her name. What are some other examples of true love from the book of Ruth?

Memory Challenge: 

Ruth 3:10-11

Then he said, “Blessed are you of the Lord, my daughter! For you have shown more kindness at the end than at the beginning, in that you did not go after young men, whether poor or rich. And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you request, for all the people of my town know that you are a virtuous woman.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: Lesson 33 “Joseph Reunites with his Brothers”

Featured Passage: Genesis 42-50

The seven years of plenty that God promised quickly passed, and soon famine struck Egypt and the land surrounding it. In Canaan, Israel and his family were running out of food, so when he heard that Egypt had grain, he sent his sons to purchase food there. Benjamin did not go because he was Israel’s youngest son and the only surviving son of Rachel. At least, that’s what everyone thought! When the brothers arrived in Egypt, they were brought before Joseph. Even though they were face to face with their own brother, they didn’t recognize him. On the other hand, Joseph immediately recognized who they were. Should he tell them that he was their long-lost brother? Could he overlook their cruelty on that day that they sold him into slavery? As Joseph agonized over what to do, the tables had been turned. Now, their lives were in his hands. Joseph faced a tremendous challenge, and his brothers were in for a big surprise. 


Moody Publishers |
  • Why do you think Joseph’s brothers did not recognize him when they came to Egypt? (Possible reasons are he was older, he was dressed as an Egyptian, etc.)
  • The brothers attributed their problems to what they had done to Joseph many years before. They felt guilty. Repentance is the remedy for guilt. When we repent, God is quick to forgive!
  • What was Joseph’s attitude toward his brothers? Was he bitter? Did he want revenge? 
  • Imagine the great joy Jacob and Joseph felt when they saw each other again. 
  • What did it mean for Joseph to receive the birthright? 

Memory Challenge: 

Genesis 45:4-7

And Joseph said to his brothers, “Please come near to me.” So they came near. Then he said: “I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life. For these two years the famine has been in the land, and there are still five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvesting. And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: Lesson 33 “Joseph Saves Israel”

Featured Passage: Genesis 37-50

 Jacob had twelve sons, but Joseph was his favorite. Seeing the special treatment he received from his father, Joseph’s older brothers became very jealous of him. They were also annoyed that Joseph would tell their father what they were doing, and would bother them by talking about his crazy dreams. One day, when they saw him coming, they decided to get rid of him for good and sold him to some traders as a slave. They thought they would never have to see or hear from him again. How wrong they were! Joseph ended up being taken down to Egypt and sold to an officer of Pharaoh named Potiphar. This was only the beginning of Joseph’s adventures, and as time went by, God began to work out his special purpose for Joseph. Little did his brothers know that Joseph’s dreams were about to be fulfilled in a way they would never have imagined. 


Sue Bentley |
  • God was with Joseph throughout his trials. How do you think Joseph was able to stay close to God even when things got tough?
  • What was the important position that Joseph had in Egypt under Pharaoh?
  • God used Joseph to save many people in the area from starvation, including the Israelites and the Egyptians. What was Joseph’s plan to make sure that the people didn’t go hungry during the seven years of famine?
  • Jacob blessed each of his sons near the end of his life. Joseph, who was the firstborn son of Rachel, was given a double portion and Ephraim and Manasseh (Joseph’s sons) were given an inheritance with Israel’s sons.

Memory Challenge: 

Genesis 45:8

“So now it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.”

Concours Artistique pour les Jours Saints de cet automne!

Conditions et règlement officiel du concours

Avez-vous jamais rêvé d’illustrer un livre ? Vous aimez créer des bandes dessinées ? Est-ce que l’aquarelle est votre passion ? Avez-vous de l’expérience dans le domaine de la création d’images vectorielles sur tablette, ou est-ce que les bons vieux crayon de bois et papier sont plutôt votre style ?

Nous recherchons des artistes de tous âges dont les œuvres pourraient être mises en vedette dans notre édition spéciale des leçons pour les enfants des Jours saints d’automne.


Les Jours saints d’automne : Quand vous pensez aux Fêtes divines d’automne, quelle image vous vient à l’esprit ? Pensez-vous à un Israélite faisant sonner une scintillante trompette en argent devant le tabernacle ? Ou aux deux boucs le Jour des Expiations ? Ou bien imaginez-vous le lion et l’agneau pour représenter le Millénium ? Quoi qu’il en soit, préparez-vous à mettre votre créativité à profit !

Soumettez vos œuvres artistiques traitant de la Fête des Trompettes, du Jour des Expiations, de la Fête des Tabernacles et du Dernier Grand Jour. Ces œuvres peuvent représenter des symboles, des traditions religieuses, des personnages ou des scènes bibliques se rapportant aux Jours saints d’automne. Nous sommes particulièrement intéressés par tout travail de type « bande dessinée », bien que nous acceptions tout style pouvant être utilisé dans notre édition spéciale des leçons à l’attention des enfants : « Les fêtes divines automnales : Un guide d’étude pour les parents qui enseignent à leurs enfants la voie divine. »

Quel genre d’art recherchons-nous ?


Les œuvres artistiques soumises peuvent être soumises sur tout support 2D (ex. crayon à papier, encre, crayons de couleur, fusain, pastel, aquarelle, gouache ou acrylique) et réalisées sur tout support traditionnel ou électronique sont acceptées. N’oubliez pas que nous sommes à la recherche d’œuvres soignées et prêtes à être utilisées dans nos diverses publications.

Les œuvres doivent être de la plus haute qualité possible (c.-à-d. non froissées, exemptes de taches, de traces de gommage, etc.) Le cas échéant, définissez les paramètres du scanner, de l’exportation ou de l’appareil photo pour soumettre des images de haute qualité.

Qui peut y participer ?

Tous les artistes, quel que soit leur âge, sont invités à soumettre leur meilleure oeuvre qui sera répartie selon trois catégories en fonction des groupes d’âge  ci-dessous :

Groupe 1  | – de 12 ans 

Groupe 2  | 13 à 20 ans

Groupe 3  | 21 à 121 ans

Ouverture du concours & date limite

Ouverture du concours : 15 août 2019

Date limite de participation : 20 septembre 2019

Résultats affichés : 27 septembre 2019

Comment y participer

Toutes les inscriptions doivent être transmises via notre formulaire d’inscription en ligne pour le concours artistique des Jours saints de la saison automnale, qui sera tenu à la disposition des artistes à partir du 15 août. Chacun des participants doit communiquer son nom, son âge, une adresse courriel valide, sa congrégation, quelques phrases à son sujet ainsi qu’une courte description de son œuvre artistique au moment de l’inscription. Tous les artistes relevant du premier groupe doivent avoir l’approbation parentale pour y participer. Si vous n’avez pas accès à Internet ou si vous n’avez pas les moyens de créer des copies électroniques de vos œuvres d’art, n’hésitez pas à demander l’aide d’un membre dans votre congrégation locale.

Règlement officiel

1. Aucune œuvre artistique ne doit reproduire des images représentant Dieu, Jésus-Christ ou des créatures célestes.

2. Œuvre originale seulement – pas de plagiat ni de matériel protégé par des droits d’auteur.

3. Les réalisations doivent pouvoir être regardées par des enfants de moins de 12 ans.

4. L’Éducation Living se réserve le droit de rejeter les œuvres inappropriées.

5. Les artistes doivent soumettre leurs œuvres sous leur propre nom selon la catégorie d’âge appropriée.

6. Les artistes peuvent soumettre jusqu’à deux œuvres artistiques par personne. 

Avis de non-responsabilité :

La sélection d’une œuvre artistique pour le concours de l’Éducation Living sur les Fêtes divines automnales transfère à l’Éducation Living le droit d’utiliser et de modifier l’œuvre artistique à des fins éducatives et/ou de publication promotionnelle. L’Éducation Living s’engage à ce que les œuvres artistiques sélectionnées ne soient pas utilisées à des fins mercantiles.


Les meilleures sélections de chacune des catégories seront insérées dans nos leçons hebdomadaires pour les enfants ou dans notre Édition spéciale – Fêtes d’automne de Dieu**. Elles seront affichées sur le blog « Actualisations » de notre site Web avec une courte biographie de l’artiste avec une description de l’œuvre artistique. Les artistes recevront un crédit de nom pour toute œuvre artistique utilisée dans nos publications. De plus, les gagnants de chaque groupe d’âge recevront un petit prix parmi nos souvenirs de l’Éducation Living.

Les œuvres artistiques recevant une mention honorable seront affichées sur le blog « Actualisations » de notre site Web ainsi qu’une courte biographie de l’artiste avec une description de l’œuvre artistique.

* Si votre œuvre artistique est sélectionnée, vous recevrez une notification par courriel. 

** Il pourrait y avoir des occasions spéciales pour des artistes exceptionnels de se joindre à notre équipe d’illustration pour le programme biblique des enfants de l’Éducation Living, pouvant impliquer de nombreux autres types de projets et d’initiatives en tout genre.

Pour de plus amples renseignements concernant les détails de ce concours, ou d’autres questions, veuillez contacter : Rebekah Ross | Living Education – Children’s Bible Program Staff [email protected] 704-708-2295 

Children’s Bible Program – Level 3: Lesson 32 “Ruth Finds Favor with Boaz”

 Featured Passage: Ruth 2

It was now up to Ruth to look after her mother-in-law. As the barley harvest began she went to a nearby grain field. Little did she know that was owned by Boaz, one of Naomi’s relatives. It was customary to let poor people pick up the leftover grain that was missed by the men who were harvesting. Ruth bent to the work, gleaning the barley, unaware that Boaz was watching. Kind-hearted Boaz asked his men who this diligent and hard-working woman was. When one of his servants explained who Ruth was, and how she had left her homeland to care for Naomi, he was deeply impressed. He spoke to Ruth, inviting her to eat and drink with his servants. He then instructed her to harvest  the barley sheaves alongside his servants. No longer would she have to pick up the leftover grain. Not only did this make her work easier, but she could collect a lot more grain in the same amount of time. Boaz took responsibility to protect her and help her, just as she had done for her aging mother-in-law. When Ruth returned home and told her about the kindness of the landowner, showing her the overflowing basket of barley, Naomi asked who the man was. When she learned that this generous, caring man was her close relative, Boaz, she understood how God’s hand had turned to favor her. 


Richard Gunther ( |
  • Ruth’s works demonstrate her character. Christ said we can know a person’s character by their fruits (Luke 6:44–45). The Bible also says that even a child is known by their deeds (Proverbs 20:11).
  • Ruth had stopped serving idols to serve the one true God. She had left everything she knew to be among the people of God. We, as Christians, must be willing to forsake everything to serve God. What does it mean for us to give up everything to serve God?  
  • The Bible says that God rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). God often does this by blessing our efforts. Ruth worked very hard, and as God promises, He blessed her efforts.

Memory Challenge:

Ruth 2:12

“The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: Lesson 32 “Joseph Becomes Governor of Egypt”

Featured Passage: Genesis 41

The Pharaoh of Egypt had some odd dreams that bothered him so he wanted to know what they meant. When his butler heard about the problem, he remembered that Joseph was able to interpret dreams. The butler told Pharaoh about Joseph, who was still in prison, and Pharaoh quickly sent for him. Joseph told Pharaoh that his dreams were a warning from God that there would be seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine. Joseph made some suggestions about how Pharaoh could prepare for the famine, and Pharaoh recognized that God was with Joseph, so he wanted Joseph to work for him. Joseph was seventeen when he was sold into slavery. Now, when he was thirty years old, he became one of the most powerful men in Egypt. 


Moody Publishers |
  • Who inspired and interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams? 
  • God was with Joseph every step of the way. Sometimes God allows us to experience trials so that we can learn important lessons.  What do you think are some life lessons Joseph may have learned from his years of trials?
  • What does it mean to be diligent? How did Joseph exercise diligence? 
  • Joseph made a plan to save the nation by storing grain while the harvests were good. How can we use this principle in our own lives?

Memory Challenge: 

Genesis 41:39-10 

Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Inasmuch as God has shown you all this, there is no one as discerning and wise as you. You shall be over my house, and all my people shall be ruled according to your word; only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you.”

Children’s Bible Program – Level 1: Lesson 32 “Jacob Returns with a Family”

Featured Passage: Genesis 28-35 

On the way to Haran, God spoke to Jacob in a dream. God promised to be with him and to bring him safely back to Canaan. When Jacob arrived at his uncle Laban’s home he fell in love with Rachel, Laban’s younger daughter. Jacob bargained with Laban to work for seven years in return for Rachel as his wife. When the time came, Laban tricked Jacob and gave him Leah, his older daughter, to Jacob for his wife instead of Rachel!    Jacob had to work another seven years to marry Rachel. Jacob had many more adventures, but eventually he and his family made it back to the land of Canaan just as God had promised. He had twelve sons, who became the foundation for the nation of Israel.


Lambsongs ( |
  • Laban tricked Jacob just as Jacob had tricked Esau. What lessons did Jacob learned from the way Laban treated him?
  • God was with Jacob and protected him from Laban and Esau. What can we learn from how God took care of Jacob?
  • God changed Jacob’s name from “Supplanter” to Israel which means “Overcomer with God”. Why did God change Jacob’s name?
  • Notice how Jacob received the promises God made to Abraham. His large family was important in fulfilling the promise that Abraham would have many descendants.

Memory Challenge: 

The Sons of Jacob –  
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin