Living Education-Charlotte students had an exciting and educational trip to Charleston this past weekend (October 27-28 2018). On our way to Charleston, we visited the Walterboro Congregation in South Carolina where we were welcomed by Mr. Whitaker (a Pastor) and the brethren. Inspired by the sermonette and sermon, we spent time after church service fellowshipping and enjoying a delicious meal prepared by the Walterboro congregation with a southern hospitality.

Sunday morning (7:30 AM) we left for Charleston. Arriving at the National Park Service, we went aboard the “Carolina Belle” boat tour to Fort Sumter. As we crossed the chilly and breezy Charleston harbor, the boat captain explained to us the rich history of the Charleston observatories and other points of interest in the surrounding area. When we arrived at Fort Sumter, many of us were privileged to participate in the raising of the flag on the Fort. We also were able to view many canons and weapons of war which had been used at the fort during the Civil War. Our tour concluded with an orienteering game in which we participated as we walked through the beautiful and historic town of Charleston discovering landmark buildings.