The Ghost Map

Fruit of the Spirit

By Stephen F. Winward

The Living Education students are taking a deep dive into the fruit of the Spirit in this semester’s “Living by the Fruit of the Spirit” class, which is taught by Mr. Ryan Dawson. They are looking at each of the nine characteristics of the fruit individually, how they are interconnected, and how to grow in them in order to become more and more like Jesus Christ and grow in Godly character.


“We are here on earth to become like Christ.’ Impossible? No, says Stephen Winward. The good news is that Christ offers to come and live in us and change us from the inside. And when this happens, the fruit of the Spirit – the good qualities of character and all the words and deeds which issue from them – are produced.

Since the fruits of the Spirit are the virtues of Christ. Winward begins by outlining Christ’s character as portrayed in the New Testament. He then looks at each of the nine fruits of the Spirit – translated into English as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control – to see how these words are used in significant contexts in the Old and New Testament.

Throughout his readable, practical discussion, Winward keeps in mind the crucial question of how Christians can follow in the footsteps of Christ and the daily tasks and problems of contemporary life.”