
Children’s Bible Program – Level 2: Lesson 30 “Joseph the Dreamer”

Featured Passage: Genesis 37

Joseph was the first son of his mother Rachel, but he had ten older brothers. He was his father’s favorite son, and to make matters worse, Jacob gave Joseph a very special coat, with many different colors. Jacob often sent Joseph to check on his brothers to see how things were going with the flocks of animals, creating animosity between him and them. Then, Joseph began to have dreams he would one day rule over his brothers. He told his father and his brothers about the dreams. Over time, they came to resent and hate him, to the point that they were willing to kill him. 


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  • Jacob grew up in a home where his parents had a favorite child. What might be a problem with a parent showing favoritism to one of their children? Does God show favoritism?. 
  • Why do you think Joseph told his brothers about his dreams? 
  • What action did his brothers take to get rid of Joseph?
  • The older brothers did not seem to think about the great harm that their family would suffer as a result of their actions.What were some of the consequences of their decision? Why is it important to control your emotions and think before acting?
  • It is often difficult to be a younger brother or sister. What can older brothers and sisters do to help younger brothers and sisters feel a part of the family?

Memorization Challenge:

Genesis 37:3-4  

Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors. But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him.