Young Singles Virtual Weekend

Living Education will sponsor a “Young Singles Virtual Weekend” involving a number of online get-togethers on April 10 and 11.

The purpose of our activity is two-fold
First it will provide an opportunity to meet face to face with other young adults in the church as a group. Some, you may know. Others may be unfamiliar faces. This is a good thing! Getting out of our comfort zone and meeting new people is healthy and stimulating! 
Second, we hope that it will be educational. We have some topics that we’d like to discuss – and since our format will be somewhat informal, you’ll have the opportunity to bring up topics that are on your mind also.

Jonathan McNair


  • Good Choices in Tough Times?


    Time: 8:00pm-9:15pm EST
    (meeting room open at 7:45pm)
    This session will set the stage for our next two sessions. We’ll take a hard look at some of the challenging issues facing young adults in the Living Church of God today. This session assumes that you recognize the importance of living a Godly life, but also face real hurdles and difficult questions that you don’t always know how to answer.
    Session Host: Mr. Jonathan McNair
    Special Guest: Mr. Gerald Weston
  • In or Out?


    Time: 11:00am-12:00pm EST
    (meeting room open at 10:45am)
    Bring your favorite coffee and donuts (unleavened, of course) to this session. In fact, we’ll have an informal contest to see who has the most interesting beverage and baked item! This session will move from the questions to answers. The Days of Unleavened Bread provide the impetus for making change in our life, but how do we navigate a course for change when we’re living in a world that mixes right and wrong. We are in the world, so how do we come out of it?
    Session Host: Mr. Jonathan McNair
    Special Guest: Mr. Jonathan Bueno

    In or Out?

  • Young in the Age of the Nones


    Time: 6:30-8:00pm EST
    (meeting room open at 6:15pm)
    Our current generation is beginning to be called the “age of the nones”. In other words, people are interested in religion and spirituality, but don’t feel the need to associate themselves with a particular church. This philosophy is not just in the world. There are people who believe in the Sabbath, keep the Holy Days, and would never have a ham sandwich, but feel disconnected from any specific church group. Why are young people attracted to this philosophy? Why do young people leave the church and drift into other fellowships? What is the “spiritual journey” of millennials and how is it unique?
    Session Host: Mr. Jonathan McNair
    Special Guest: Mr. Gerald Weston